Chapter 7.Fire fieldsSection 56, when a fire in a particular area into a characteristic fire fields, local officials announced the show.Fire District at the offices of the local government areas and then a fire by an indicative map shows the boundary fire.Truemove burns. Specifies the actions prohibited under this Act.42, section 57, within forty-five days after the fire. Prohibit anyone from the construction, modification, decommissioning, or moving.Building on fire fields and received a license to do the construction, modification or demolition of a building or moving user based.มาตรา 39 ทวิ ในเขตดังกล่าวอยู่แล้วก่อนวันที่เกิดเพลิงไหม้ ระงับการกระทำตามที่ได้รับอนุญาต หรือที่ได้แจ้งไว้นั้นตามระยะเวลาดังกล่าวด้วยให้นำมาตรา 40 มาตรา 42 และมาตรา 43 มาใช้บังคับแก่การฝ่าฝืนบทบัญญัติในวรรคหนึ่งโดยอนุโลมบทบัญญัติในวรรคหนึ่งไม่ใช้บังคับแก่(1) การก่อสร้างอาคารชัว่ คราวเพื่อประโยชน์ในการบรรเทาทุกข์ ซึ่งจัดทำหรือควบคุมโดยทางราชการ(2) การดัดแปลงหรือซ่อมแซมอาคารเพียงเท่าที่จำเป็นเพื่ออยู่อาศัยหรือใช้สอยชัว่ คราวมาตรา 58 ให้เจ้าพนักงานท้องถิ่นพิจารณาว่าสมควรจะมีการปรับปรุงเขตเพลิงไหม้หรือไม่ โดยคำนึงถึงประโยชน์In fire protection Health, environmental management of urban status and architectureConvenient traffic and allow local officials to give comments, along with a sketch map showing the boundary fire Ext.Control Board building in case of fire district is located in the jurisdiction of the local staff in more than one region.Local local staff involved jointly identifying and proposing the end of comments within fifteen days from the date of the fire.When building control Committee of local officials, offer an opinion, along with.Continue to observe public dividend, a local officer in the fire zone, know that there will be an update or not.Such declarations, posted at the offices of the local government areas and then a fire within forty-five days from the date of.Fire.Section 59 in the case of a declaration does not improve fire fields, and then make the prohibition under section 57, paragraph one shall be.Canceled.In the event of a fire, then the district improvement notices, are prohibited by article 57 paragraph still apply to the following.Again, it is time for sixty days from the date of notice, update it and fire fields, building control Commission of cartography.Sitemap updated fire fields proposed to Ministers to publish updated charts applicable fire fields in the Royal Gazette within.The above periods.43 section 60 when it is declared applicable chart updated fire fields and then. Prohibit anyone from the construction, modification, decommissioning, or?Moving buildings in the County, according to County Fire update map, the map defined in it. And those working permit.Construction, modification, decommissioning, or moving a building or a notified in accordance with article 39 bis that has issued before the announcement date of the applicable chart.Update fire district, which is contrary to the said map shall be cancelled.The reinstatement of article 40 and article 42, section 43 came to apply to breaches of the provisions referred to in paragraph 1 shall comply with.44 section 60 bis, local officer started to fire fields update in accordance with the applicable chart.Update fire district under section 60 within two years from the date of coming into force of such announcements.
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