Viverra-black tail (English: civet Viverra Large-spotted: science, name megaspila) is a type of Civet. Is the shape and characteristics similar to articulate tail viverra? (V. zibetha), but differ on the tail of the tail are black tail tenderloin viverra striped black area. The top of the tail dragging long from tail tip to tail cone. To articulate the tail does not separate from each other as viverra articulate tail. At the end of the tail is black with black polka dots spread throughout the. Contains the length of the trunk and the head 72-85 cm length, 8 cm 30-NN36D9 approx. weight tail section-9 kilos distributed species are common in Southeast Asia, can live in a variety of forest types, both wild and garden-based agriculture such as rubber plantation.Oil palm plantations or parameters, but most often seen by area with a height ranging from 80-200 meters from the sea level. Usually, often live and earn a living alone except in the mating season or raising the young child are together as a couple. Classified as a wild animal protection and Conservation Act and the protection of wild animals of Thailand Thai. Buddhist 2535 (1992)Viverra articulate tail.
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