I get an error message about my e - mail address. What can I do?
Just use a valid e - mail address. Our server uses various. Method to check for a valid e - mail address. We do not allow fake e-mail addresses. If we find, later on that your e-mail. Address does, not work you will be asked to enter a valid one.
I, just registered but I cannot login. Whats wrong?
Right. After, registrationYou will get an email from us with your user name and password. Please verify that you are typing your user name and password. Correctly. Also note that the password is case sensitive. 'Joe' is different from 'Joe'!
I can 't remember my password. What. Can I do?
Goto our homepage. Click on 'Members Login', and 'Forgot password?' On the, next pageEnter either your user name or the email address you used when you registered to our community. Then click on 'Send password,'. We will send you an email with your user name and password. If this does, not work we may still be able to find you in our. Members database. Send an email to info@asiankisses.de giving as as much detail as you can.
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