For Halloween a phot Gallery nahae accused wrote a letter warning of blood on the wall, threatened a "property secrets has been opened, enemies of the heir, beware of the cat" maintenance worker was turned to stone. After that, he got to know the secret room was created by Edward Cullen. A young vampire who equipped with the ability to read your mind and can hypnotize by the eyes and not her phot o Harry this is by finding the secret of room, but it has been pitching with a newsreader vampire clan culture lane. The two sides also fought, but now people bring their own talents to come out. Edward Cullen battle with Harry's reading-what is thinking that Harry section rari, use spell defenders place. Edward Cullen her North Miami Oh here they fight with Bella Bella, spelling and hoemai o this cultural future of Alice Lane, everyone sees that if the fight goes, everyone must die, and then he tells the other faction's secret room with care not to fight each other.
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