Stop smoking and supports standard behavior that is associated with the program. This study received funding from the Institute of cancer research, uk.Lambros Lazuras, Angelos Rodafinos, and Richard Eiser designed the study, andwrote/edited the manuscript. Ms Chatzipolychroni performed literature reviews,organized and completed the data collection, and entered the data. Lambros Lazurasperformed and reported the statistical analysis. All authors contributed to and haveThe authors declare that approved final manuscript.All they have no conflicts of interest. reference from the. Ajzen : The theory of planned behavior. Organizational Behavior & HumanDecision Processes : A longitudinalassessment of the impact of smoke-free worksite policies on tobacco use.American Journal of Public Health : Role of anticipated regret, intentions, and intentions stability in adolescent smoking initiation.British Journal of Health Psychology : Employee and employer support for workplace-based smoking cessation: results from an international survey. Journal of Occupational.Health : The Fagerstrom test for nicotine dependence: A revision of the Fagerstrom tolerance questionnaire. Addiction : Nicotine dependence,quit attempts, and quitting among smokers in a regional population sample from a country with high prevalence of tobacco smoking.Preventive Medicine : Quitting smoking: Applying an extended version of the theory of planned behavior to predict intention and behavior.Journal of Applied Biobehavioral Research : Predicting smoking reduction among adolescents using an extended version of the theory of planned behavior.
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