Provision for the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions growth in developing countries is one of the issues that are not in the agenda. An important question for funding relief effect is that those who pay for gas reduction in developing countries (or countries, developed countries, whether through a public fund or a carbon market transactions in the private sector) and those who receive credits for reducing greenhouse gas emissions.To solve the problem of global warming, sustainable solution that the root causes of the problem are. When human activity is greenhouse gases causing global warming, emissions in the past, kas, but because each country greenhouse gas emissions, to develop their country. It should have a little more responsibility-to. Who is it that has never been released) came and it is obliged to reduce emissions in the future, more? While those who were let go a little, come try our best not to leave and was trying to decrease. This principle is acceptable under. The United Nations Convention on climate change (UNFCCC), with the ceremony of the Kyoto (Kyoto Protocol) message is the primary contract, forcing developed countries (Appendix 1 countries that participated in the Protocol), the need to reduce emissions by the agreed quantity in kas.The concept of "kas" emissions offsets (Offsetting), or "carbon trading" (carbon trading). Are the people who want to reduce emissions can be reduced to one another instead of kas, where the idea was generate a substance under the Kyoto mechanism ceremony. Use the "clean development mechanism" or CDM (Clean Development Mechanism CDM:) to assist developed countries that are charged with forcing a reduction in emissions, but claimed that the cost reductions in the country itself, is too high. Outsourcing to developing countries to reduce emissions by kas claimed costs in those countries are cheaper and give poor countries grants have created different projects at the same time, with the market mechanism, "the carbon market" as the twin driving force essential value of carbon that will bring chot.Chayakan. the "carbon credit" trading (carbon credit), there is a mechanism called CDM-Clean Development Mechanism as one management system under the ceremony, San Kyoto. The need to create incentives to boost investments to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. The quantity of greenhouse gas reduction will have a certification of CERs. Investors can apply to sell CERs to the industrialized country with the obligation. In order to reduce greenhouse gases, or to trade the carbon trading market, with gains in existing ones. For the developed countries to continue to reduce emissions in the country and the development of the technology may be supported by strong domestic action, but the action tends to be more efficient and technology transfer may be deep if any marketing elements for international action. The meaning may be that flexible mechanisms that are needed, not only in terms of economic performance, but certainly in terms of environmental performance to the public. Some developing countries have identified that a number of public funding from developed countries, they are considered appropriate. For many developing countries to argue for support of the Fund to relieve the impact does not come from those countries, the industry's voluntary. But as the outstanding charges to developing countries in Exchange for their likely reduced the level of emissions per head than developed countries, Brazil, China and India. For financial operations from the Green Fund's credit, they "may have to reduce the rules and regulations to ensure the integrity of the environment of the project." In addition to maintaining the environmental performance in the discount factor could maintain strong incentives for developed countries to reduce emissions in countries: from the perspective of developed countries used as a discount factor is equivalent to the price increase of compensation when compared to the price of reducing emissions in the country. There is a similar goal in mind, a number of other parties have pointed out the limitations of the emission reduction obligations of developed countries to follow through the check paying compensation.The use of offsets may conflict driven by genuine concern among developing countries. In the developed countries does not provide support for reducing emissions seriously. For the problem of relief that it might get the attention of many developing countries, and particularly LDCs to seek compromise to allow worldwide use offsets to Exchange higher than expected in its country. That is the trade off Indonesia and Mexico. For example, people say. Such a compromise might help promote the principle of interests of LDCs is to reduce the impact of climate change in the future. To preserve the rare International Fund for adaptation and attracting big investments for the namas.
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