ฉันได้ทุนลดค่าธรรมเนียม5000 บาท เพราะว่าฉันเรียนได้เกรดเฉลี่ย 3.68I I've reduced the Educational fee 5,000 baht, because I study GPA of 3.68.Thank you for your support
I have lower capital charges 5000 baht because I learned a 3.68 GPA, I I've reduced the Educational Fee 5,000 Baht, because I Study GPA of 3.68. Thank You for your Support.
I got a scholarship to reduce the charge 5000 baht. Because I can learn a grade point average 3.68 I I 've reduced the Educational fee 5 000 baht because,,, I study GPA of 3.68.