Data analysis is divided into two categories: 1. a quantitative statistical data analysis is to find the arithmetic mean. To calculate the standard deviation and percent. 2. analyzing qualitative data is. The information obtained from the analysis of the customer satisfaction evaluation using the arithmetic mean and standard deviation of content (Content Analysis), analyzed, and presented in the style of narration.The results showed that 1. students have scored an equal analysis of average skills scores 63.72 6.37 percent and the number of students who passed the criteria which 53.49 percent lower than predefined criteria is that the students with analytical thinking skills, 70 per cent or higher, and the number of students who passed the criteria of 70 per cent or more of the students who qualify and which 53.49 percent lower than predefined criteria is that students with analytical thinking skills, 70 per cent or higher, and the number of students who passed the 70 percent or more of the criteria. 2. students have the pleasure to teach learning management process using the brain as a base (Brain-Based Learning: BBL) in cooperation with the collaborative learning techniques (Learning Together: LT) subject to the overall map is in the high level (x ̅ = 4.39), and the students are the most satisfaction is customer satisfaction continued to teach in the overview (̅ = 4.60 x)
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