Date and time help.The date and time information which is used regularly for almost inevitable at all, especially for the Planner, sales representative. Customer service officer loan officer. Finance professionals-Executive production Use timing in scheduling work
Excel 97 was able to retrieve the date and time range from 1 January 1900 until the end of the year 9999 using special numbers called Date Serial Number (SN), the date and time when the invoice has been saved into the cell
.At the heart of the date and time are at understanding SN here. Best of day, month, year, and time that shows on the cells, but only the result format makes Excel interpret numbers SN human language to be understood. SN and SN number is used to help calculate or share it with other formulas of Excel here
1. Important definitions not included in Excel options in the Regional Settings of the Control Panel (Start Settings Control Panel > > > Regional Date Settings and Style Short > Region) is the most important part of using the date and time are correct. Using default formatting. It was a day, month, year, month, day, year, or according to the user preferred format. It is recommended to define a Region of the country and Thai styles of the year as four digits using the format mm/dd/yyyy or d/mm/yyyy
.2. to save a date into a cell, type. Date/month/year number of number of full 4 digits, such as 12/10/2001 noting that mark/divide separating each section and use the full 4-digit year number, do not use the number of.If any record 12/10/2544 (2001) refers to the date 12 October 1951 2544 (2001) must wait for another set of wings that 543
3. To save time, type the number of hours: minutes: seconds number number like 23: 30:If you do not want to use 45 seconds to print just the 23: 30 it. The value of time in Excel, starting from 0: 00: 00 to 23: 59: 59 p.m 24 number does not exist because it was hit to a value of 0: 0: 0 new day
4. If you want to use more than 24 hours since the moment to define Format Cells Custom > Number > > > Type as [h]: mm (likewise. If you want to use more than 60 times a minute khuang format [mm]: ss)
5. When you type a date or time that Microsoft Excel recognizes date and time are to be considered as the number format of the cell to change
from the General number format, the date or time format
and aligned cells
6. Excel stores all dates as serial numbers and stores all times as decimal fractions, assuming SN = 1 means 1 January 1900 and the value is a decimal number less 1 the digits show the proportion of days. If you want to check the General format SN value. Ctrl Shift ~) will find the SN number is displayed instead of the date or time format, remember that the numbers SN days
.7. If Microsoft Excel cannot recognize the date or time format, the date and time are to be considered as text
, which is left-aligned cells, such as printing, 2001 12 10 use the space separating each part of this date does not apply. They found that the position of the left cell
.8. to print the date and time in the same cell, separating the date and time with a space, for example, 12/10/2001 23: 30
9. If you want to take twelve-hour clock system, type a space followed by AM or PM (or A or P), otherwise use the system clock time, twenty-four hours a day, such as print, 3: 00 PM for three o'clock in the afternoon time means, but if you type 3:0, the time stored as 3: 00 AM, which means three-time
using the Format Cells command menu > > Number Type and assign Custom > > format needed to use a specific format for each section or mix multiple formats together, such as
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