List of funny scenes, variety 6 a mix of drama and comedy thokom short. Ends in a compact with 6 scenes, such as hospital scenes, coffee shop, supermarket, fitness center, etc. Comedian or actor is chacha Cha 7 Teng, sister peak Patra saya a Suwan, a thousand descendants phanu Uncle Siri khrut grown, toxic AF2 boy requesting. Soft currency, thofof 6 coffee scene, ko tee. Of the three boys and kaki tu Sha activities. With the slogan that "will they think life in scenes, it's funny!" in which each scene is a different story. Circulating performers with relay each other every show scene When you open an item from comedian to say hello to your audience, it introduces a special week by singing welcome. After that, they will have to talk to guests, and then cut into short thokom a range of drama 2 scenes when characters exit 6, scene all arrived early at the end of a list celebrities invited to attend the game with the comedian.
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