The village is located in the district are band Kiri lone LAN Saka district, Nakhon SI thammarat is the oldest community migrated to live. Lone Mountain is Luang sub-district, set the path to the Summit of Khao Luang. People have a way of peaceful social relationships. The main occupation is to make mixed fruit, called "the garden of sense", such as mangosteen, Rambutan, durian, a Community ban khiri Wong Parkia Speciosa: dying group, a group of herbs. Handmade coconut Shell Group. The wine group, a fruit juice processing group, and each group of Durian stir, which contains popular products from consumers and tourists that visit it often bought as souvenirs. Affordable and high-quality goods. In the same year, when November 21 2531 (laemtalumphuk event. Amphoe Pak phanang). University village water disasters uthok Earth lost count after 100 blows, which have maintained and villagers khiri Wong Temple and houses as disaster Memorial.
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