Father son matching hand-tied India tied feet rooted in causes because ..?Today (Jan. 18) News Agency in the country. India has published most news photos girls pics as well as shock ages 10 years old has been tied hand and foot tied with adhesive tape closing the mouth. The lower body is embedded into the ground, where news reports said the girl was his own father's arrest as well as embedded. Why not satisfied that she is a girl instead of a boy.Tripura_girl_buried_aliveMr. Abdul Hutsen Plotters, who is the father of the girl victims that he was a man down, hands tied, feet tied hands and forcing the ball into a hole dug into a pile of soil prior to bury his daughter, but the baby's mother returned from errands outside and saw joined it was banned, along with calls to help neighbors. That could help the conferences have daughter. While Mr. Abdul was villagers crowd than the public and brought to the police to pursue further.
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