Leonardo da Vinci (Leonardo da Vinci: Italy) is Italy (born April 15 1452-Vinci-1965 died May 2 at the bua in 1901, as favorite candies 1519) is an extremely intelligent person who has a Renaissance style is both the architect, musician. The Anatomy Student inventor Sculptor geometry student engineers. Illustrator Astronomers, scientists, da Vinci There are many famous art pieces such as the last supper and Mona Lisa, da Vinci's work also benefit with Anatomy. Astronomy is the first to lay the groundwork, including the civil aviation engineering with a man with the spirit of science in several Leonardo cause interdisciplinary spirit in Renaissance and became important people of the time.HistoryLeonardo, born April 15, by which he was born is located from p.n. village. In Italy, the two countries about kilometers. His father's name Mr. Sae years ACE Roberto da Vinci own notary of the State. His round, oval, a peasant girl ever had someone claim that Mrs. Sands resort is a slave girl from the East in the possession of the year Eleanor Henrietta, but there is no obvious evidence.In that time, no standard nomenclature and the extension that is widely accepted in Europe. Name and surname of a real da Vinci Leonardo di Nazaire years ACE Roberto da Vinci which means Leonardo son of ELSA Jr year Vinci, but Leonardo himself was often in his signature easily whether or not the Leonardo Leonardo possessions own most important documents stating that his work of Leonardo da Vinci without tags make it understood that he is not his father's surname, because as extramarital child celebrities.Painting.The Annunciation-Uffizi, Florence, Italy-country (1473)The Virgin of the rocks (the Virgin of the Rocks)-Louvre, Paris, France-country (1483)The last supper (The Last Supper), the Convent of Santa Maria delle Grazie-(Refectory), Milan (1495-1500)Mona Lisa Mona Lisa or the Louvre, Paris, France-country (1503-1507) Madonna and child with St. Anne and St. John the Baptist (the Madonna and Child with St Anne and St John the Young)-National Gallery, London (1508)A series of portraits (1490-1505)Battle of Andon GIA (The Battle of Anghiari)-Louvre, Paris, France country. Drawn from the original hole ben and nameless paintersThe works of Leonardo da Vinci. Image burn.The first mod work: † Medusa • * Madonna Dai (c. 1469), rafat • ** Jesus receive the sacraments, dip (1469 – 71) • Annunciation (c.1475 – 80)Acme mod work:* JI neo Raman de Ben (1475) • * Madonna with the Carnation (c. 1477 – 80) • * Madonna Baker nua (c.1478 – 80) • Saint Jerome in the wild (c.1480) • the adoration of the shepherds (1481) • Madonna of the rocks (c. 1483 – 85) • * women with the stoat (1488 – 90) • * portrait, musician (1490) • * Madonna (c. 1490 – 93) • La belle ferronière * (1556 – 98) • the last supper (1498) • * Madonna of the yarnwinder (1501) • Mona Lisa (1503 – 05/07) • Madonna of the rocks (c. 1505 – 08) • † (1505), the battle of deputation GIA • † Lake and Swan (c. 1508) • Madonna and child with St. Anne (c. 1510) • Saint John the Baptist (1538 – 4) • * Bacchus (1515)Tasks that have been recently indicates is the author of:** Tobias and Angel (1470 – 72) •Embracing the child Saint John Baptist (c. 1498 – 90) The Memorial sculpture of Sforza (not yet working). The writings of Villa true merge (1492) • Madonna and child with St. Anne and St. John the Baptist (c. 1498 – 1500) Writing career Processing the Atlantis custard • Leicester • law processing processing the Valley triple Siena 78. Crafting jobs Robotic Leonardo • Wai OLA Leonardo. Leonardo da Vinci in art • disot and scientific work of Leonardo da Vinci • private lives of Leonardo da Vinci.Painters in Western art.The general breakdown painter • painters • century painters, split by divided by nationality • painter by category.The modern.Byzantine image • Gothic • mod mod Netherlands. •/li > golden age of the Netherlands • archaeology • arts and restoration program in Flanders • restoration • art college in the Netherlands mod Mannerism • Baroque • mod mod Rococo • neoclassicism • modernism • activism • impressive cult cult cult period declared after the emotional power. • • Popular groups before Rafael • cult • popular symbol in the cult • surrealism • modern.The 21st century• 13th-14th century • 20th century 15 • 16 • century century • 20th century 18 • 19th century • 20th century.The headings/categories.Historical figures (including art, religion) • everyday life • portrait • landscapes • slide.Lithography • wireless • books • Maya calligraphy illustrationsNationality.Nationals of Thailand • Dutch. • Nationals of Flemish peasants of France • • Goth • Spain • Austria nationals nationals • British • Italy • Islanders Greeks • American • Sweden's residents. • Nationals of Russia • Nationals of UkrainePhilosophy of art • painting • painter with writing articles about famous painters list. • writings • painting • painting divided by era, by category • painting divided by subject.
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