(โดยผู้ขอซื้อต้องจัดทำรายงานข้อมูลเพื่อนำเสนอขออนุมัติ ระบุข้อดี-ข้อเสีย ของการลงทุนซื้อและกรณีไม่ลงทุนซื้อ โดยจัดทำเป็นรูปแบบ Power Point เพื่อ Present )
(By the requisitioner must prepare a report to present for approval. Identify the advantages-disadvantages of purchasing and investment if the investment is made by purchase Power Point format to Present)
(The applicant is only required to report the information to be presented for approval. Identify the advantages - disadvantages Of the purchase and acquisition cases. By creating a Power Point to Present).
(the purchase request to report information to present the approval, identify the advantages and disadvantages of investment buy and buy case invest by producing a pattern. Power Point to Present).