Personal training topics tha tha
bare hands straight 1. dictation "row-matching" (a telling divide)
2. Practice. This port is a single-stroke
. Characteristics of THA match are as follows: to stand with both feet and heels, in the same way
.Two feet separated the sides until the end of the feet apart about 1 foot in length or to evaluate a range of approximately 45° angle is constant-knee both tension and compression approach. Both arms hanging next to the trunk and flip
.Elbow toward a slightly forward until the shoulder strain and both sides evenly. All five fingers stretched and to adjacent
Open hand, flat and remove middle finger tapping the Middle leg vertical seams on pieces about pants. Open
Hand off to the '' little tails neck Chin up regardless of the filing. The eyes look straight to the front of the class, body weight placed on the powerful feet both sides evenly and slide
. When you hear the words say "row –" must be different parts of the body, standing in a way tha match
as mentioned, with the exception of the right knee slightly sagging with inhale breath into the lungs and chest lifting
, phuengphai
. When you hear the word "directly" dictated to jolt the knee right came fast and strong until the tension.
In such a way that, squeeze both knees together, and then slide
. THA tha THA's all base before doing any port will have to start from the port straight up
.And use it as a display port port port is respect for making normal business attitude
1. "tell" and "(I say fast)
2. Practice. This port is a single episode, performed in accordance with the following procedure:
. In the first stage to hear the word "preferred" to sit down and tell the guests right down a bit by trying to prevent other parts of the body to move
suddenly. For the next stage. This port allows the animation to different parts of the body and change the knee just as deserving as and
. This port she prohibited or change the stand of both sides and feet never talked by Buddy
. When you hear the word saying "row –" to lengthen the inhale breath into the lungs until the whole and every part of the body, powerful in the right knee of the straight left harbor facilities are slightly
. When you hear the word "directly" dictated to jolt the knee secret characteristic of thistles and docks to the right fast and strong
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