The film is still several consecutive images continuously, use the principle called the persistence of vision. And when the slide them on each channel throughput in image projection image equally, the human eye can still maintain that the retina is a short period of time. About 1 the 3 seconds. If within such a picture inserted into place. The brains of people to link the two images together. And such acting continues. If there is a next image appear in the similar time. In the case of each image visible. The image shows the consistency in the manner of movement. When the tiles in sudden. Slide them will become animated continuity naturally present, the speed at which the film is 24 frames per 1 seconds.In the later period, with the development of the three-dimensional. By the audience wear special glasses to get the comfort of visitors. The visual dimension realistic depth in 2009. 2495 American films about Bwana Evil is a three-dimensional film first and last in 2010 "Avatar". A film with the visitors in the system 3 dimensions as many 1 [].History [solve].Who invented the master of the film is more, Thomas Alva Edison (Thomas Alva Adison) and ผู้ร่วมงานของเขา named William Kennedy. Dickson (William kenady Dickson) when the 2432 match the reign of 5 called "kinetoscope" (Kinetoscope) is a tall cabinet about 4 feet. Often called a "Voyeur" look to look through a small hole. Have a look at individual within the film, as taken with a camera kinetograph (Kenetograph). The Edison invented it. The film is approximately 50 feet put across around, moving around the rings. Through a magnifying glass with a light bulb with the fast 48 frames per second, later reduced to 16 frames per second.Later, Lumiere (Lumiere) French developed the film peeping Edison to ฉายขึ้น large screen, and at the same time, many people. Call this film projector, "cinematograph" (Cinimatograph). Which is considered to occur when official date 28 September 2438 later brought out on the eye.
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