The cultivation of tobacco. Tobacco planting procedure is as follows: 1. prepare the soil by soil must be moist, not too dry. The soil, the soil must be appropriate ruan. Well drained 2. the flooring is made of hay to protect Sun. When planting new seedlings. 3. prepare seedlings aged 35-45 day complete. 4. dig a hole by hole about 80-90 cm away. 5. planting the seedlings, and then use the sun visor is made of straw. Tobacco within first month demand less water but after planting and then 30-40 days need moisture to grow, so watering tobacco in this period more. Tobacco leaf processing Processing tobacco because tobacco ban of most tobacco is 1 to sustain native species, which are sold to processing as follows: 1. start from fresh pills for storage and Taken together with the cascade, remove the stalks down and covered with canvas or burlap cloth or mat. Indoor 4-5 days to mature, so that leaves withered and yellow medicine. 2. remove the Central lever release a rolled leaf and roll the leaves together as a grown up son round stock bar. 3. then, roll the pills on the shredder pills. Make shredded tobacco, consistent thickness. 4. bring the tobacco that is to spread a sheet on the bamboo panels, sunlight, Sun, back rack 1 side 1 Sun. 5. roll the rack line intended medicine. The night before, dew-roll for easy, beautiful. 6. each bag by bag 10 kg, the following are for sale.
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