size and location
in an area of 513,115.020 square kilometers, or about 198,953 square miles (an area the size of France. Or the State of Texas, USA) and is located in the heart of Southeast Asia. As a gateway to Southeast Asia. And the Greater Mekong Sub-region (Gateway to Southeast Asia and the GMS: Greater Mekong Sub-Region)
, Thailand's border with Myanmar to the west. Bordering Laos in the north. Bordering Cambodia to the east. And bordering Malaysia to the south. The length of the north and south of the country, a distance of 1,640 kilometers in width from the west to the east of the country, a distance of 780 kilometers, the country has a time difference from Greenwich Mean Time. 7 hours
topography and climate,
topography consists of hills total forest area, hills, highlands, plains, valleys, plains, rivers, sea, beaches and many islands. The country consists of 76 provinces, which are divided into four regions (excluding Bangkok. It is the capital of the country) as follows
: 1. The region is mostly flat terrain. And some provinces adjoining the Gulf of Thailand, including 25 provinces
2. region is mostly mountainous terrain and valleys, including 17 provinces.
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