Japan is a country of islands, located northeast of Asia. Total area of 377,385 square kilometers with a total of approximately three islands,.900 islands that is Honshu, Hokkaido, Kyushu, and Shikoku is subdivided into 47 prefectures (prefecture) of Tokyo is located on Honshu
capital Tokyo, with a population of about 12 million people from a population of 128 million people
.Japan has four seasons: winter for about a month from December to February, spring: about a month from March to May: the summer months from June to August
the fall around September - November time
Japan time faster than gm.t. 9 hours (faster than Thailand 2 hours)
Yen (yen) 100 yen, equivalent to about 36 per
Shinto, Buddhism, Christianity
Public Works on kidney parliamentary system governed under the Constitution. The Emperor
.As the Chief Minister and the Chief Executive.
Japanese parliament called the Diet (diet)
100 volts 50/60 hz.
Transport system.Narita International Airport. Located 64 kilometers east of Tokyo, Japan travel, most of the people in the city take the train. Both on the ground and underground rail system
. And a high-speed rail shinkansen
(speed 270 kmH) running between the provinces travel to Japan
.Thailand passport holders must obtain a visa (visa) the correct type before Japan. Except for diplomatic and official passport holders. Travel by plane from Thailand to Japan (Tokyo) takes about 6-7.
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