Spinach is a vegetable, the common folk like weeds because they can grow in almost any soil condition and growth flourish in all weather conditions. Even the dry weather. They also grow very fast and durable. Spinach is a vegetable, the folk villagers to eat together for a long time. Best ways to eat, we usually don't eat each other raw, because most of the bitterness often bring to boil. But in the present. Spinach is adapted into a mouthwatering dishes, more. Whether it's not spicy curry soup with spinach and red light salad or French menus that are eaten much like spinach and cheese baked goodies, but the menu will be prepared to taste more delicious.Because there are so many nutrients spinach as well as vitamin a helps maintain eyesight reduce night blindness (Night Blindness), maintenance of bone and teeth at pm. C transactions and bucket carote noi helps reduce the risk of cataracts (Cataract) folate acid, carotene, da. Vitamin c enhances the immune system as well as your body, safe from the disease, help strengthen the collagen to improve skin elasticity. Spinach is high in iron and helps nourish the blood supply as well. Potassium, magnesium, calcium, zinc, protein and fiber.
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