3. สปีชี่ส์ human
.The species means a group or population of organisms with gene cluster (gene pool) shared by members of a population. Can transfer genes or gene causes the vestale wages between each other (mean, mating and the ball is not sterile).Isolated 2 levels is
.1 mechanism phase discrimination before the zygote. A mechanism that prevents the germ cells from both 2 species touch. Due to different time ในการผสมพันธุ์
.- ecological differences, such as a frog that lived in the pond with the living in the swamp big
- behavior difference, such as courtship A signal or the pheromone difference
. Different genital structure- cell physiology, reproduction, such as different pollen of mango to fall on the top of the female of pollen lime will not be able to blend together
2.? Mechanism of discrimination during zygote
- hybrid die (hybrid inviability) before reaching puberty
.- hybrid sterility (hybrid. Sterillty) most often associated with male
- hybrid failed (hybrid breakdouwn) hybrid F1 has weakness. Give birth to hybrid model F2 but often die. In the first stage of growth or barren
.Poly Paloy (Polyploidy) means to increase chromosome from 2n 3N 4N etc, cause new creatures. (Species.). As a result of increasing agricultural products such as fruits, the big
.Changes in the population evolution of organisms are 2 forms
1.The population has changed the evolution gradually until differs from the original population is life, the species, evolutionary changes to a new species called evolution line. Or ana Genesis (anagenesis)
2.A population may grow and divided population sub structure genetic differences until separated into different species gene pool has become different. Called the branching species or species, H. (speciation).(Cladogenesis)
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