1. Check and suggests that employers legal action about occupational safety and working environment
2.Job analysis to indicate danger. As well as the protective measures. Steps work safely or presented to employers
3. Security risk assessment in work
4.The project plan, including the suggestion of various departments. And proposes the security measures in the work 5 employers
.To evaluate the performance of operations according to plans, projects or security measures in the work
6. Suggest employee regulations and guide the 3
.7 advice, training, and training employees to work free from reason to cause no safe work
8.Measure and evaluate the work environment Executed or with individuals. Or agencies registered with the labour is guarantor
.Or check the documents. Report of the inspection work environment within the workplace
9.Make recommendations to the employers to manage safety at work that suits the establishment business. And development continues to be effective
10.Investigate the cause and analyze injury, illness or accident suffered รำคาญอัน due to work and report including the recommendation to the employer to prevent the incident without delay.
11.Collect statistics, data analysis, reporting, and suggestions about injury, illness or accident troubled due to the work of employees.
12.Work on work safety in other employers commissioned
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