The current development of the submitter (Supplier Development) is an important factor in driving. The operation in the Organization, especially In an era that has changed many aspects, especially in this era of disgrace to good tantayaporn with more intense competition. To have the best products and services. Not only is the duty of the manufacturer, or sold only to buyers with a role to help push forward and make the management of the relationship with the supplier (Supplier Relationship management), delivery in property value chain (Value Chanin) in the development of the submitter, the yards, Yo ย่.Substitutes. Type of seller, to measure the operation's work of submitter, evaluation of delivery of all States parties, which is to help push the business organization. There is a strong and robust cost reduction and efficiency improvement, including organization and management.คำสำคัญ : Value chain , Supplier relationship management , ผู้ส่งมอบ
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