Attendance is located in Tambon Wang Ban Chiang. Phetchabun with a height of about 1,768 meters above sea level, the highest point. Of Phetchabun The terrain is beautiful is mentioned. The natural beauty of the mountains, forests, abundant fresh air. Cool all year round Morning fog and clouds. Seen as the mist off the mountain, green cabbage is the largest in the country. Attendance is a very important one. It is a point of water, blue sky, on September 9, 2542 at 15:59 pm. At Abbey House over the issue to be integrated into Diamond Nomklao is holy, sacred ceremonial King's 6th round on 5 December. 2542 as a place with a thermometer, the largest in Africa and is also the route. Linked to tourism and History is important Phu Hin Rong Kla National Park.
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