To run Microsoft Word There are practical steps as follows: 1. click the Start button, go to Programs. 2. a mouse click to select Microsoft Word Microsoft Word window will appear. Program alternatives to print document can do the following: 1. Select the font and font size that want to. 2. type the text as needed. 3. edit text If you want to edit the text, it can be done. As follows: -Move mouse cursor come in a page (Cursor) will change as I (I-beam). -Bring your cursor to click the text that you want to edit, and edit the following: To insert text. Procedure is as follows: 1.) using the mouse, click where you want to insert. 2.), type the text that you want to insert into. To delete characters and text. Procedure is as follows: 1.) remove the letters one at a time. Do this by clicking the brackets mark the cursor behind the letters, and then press Backspace. 2.) remove text, click and hold the left mouse button and drag it to the text that you want to delete, as a black bar and then press Enter or Delete.
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