RoyalRoyal occur from the Royal private. On his Majesty the King in the Royal visit 2498 (1955) when civilian in North East. Be aware of difficulties and sufferings of the needy farmers, water and agriculture have all gone to light project in honour of the "Royal" M.R.W. Theprit Theokun. To continue that as a project of experimental research. Artificial rain or precipitation operating capital up. In the Office of the Permanent Secretary, Ministry of agriculture and cooperatives. Last year with the success of the project, therefore, 2512 be besieged by Lord seal punch ritti Raven founded the Office operating under Royal 2518 (1975) established in the Ministry of agriculture and cooperatives to develop supported the project, the initiative "Royal" below.A substance used to make rain capital are currently 7 open type, certain types have properties to absorb moisture (hygroscopic substances) are some of the features are kaenklan (CCN) of moisture in the air. Some species can evolve heat to stimulate or reinforcing the formation and growth of a cloud. Some can pull heat makes the air temperature or clouds cool down. Accelerated steam condensing and density of clouds as rain. To select each type of acidic rain capital thus qualification mentioned above to the souring of clouds or atmosphere each day is important. The Royal compound in use can be divided into 3 categories, there are Royal hot formula. Cool recipes and Royal compound substance, a matter of the Royal Air sutrotrang kaenklan.For Royal, the recipe has to absorb the moisture in the air or the water reaction temperature drops or cool down for the present, there are 3 types of.1. the formula 4 urea (Urea).2. the formula 24 manai ammonia (Ammonium Nitrate).3. the formula 3 dry ice (Dry ice).Royal is an innovation for which his Majesty the King's subjects hospitalizations to relieve the drought. At the same time it is increasing the amount of water in the dam, and the power to go with.
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