The old store was kept at ugarit personal discovery, in addition to the mail and parcel delivery service. The text of the message may receive compliance training new people to ancient Thai. There is also evidence of a new library of copper and approximately 19 B.C at Nineveh about 700 years before Christ. Displays the categories and other enterprise systems, library systems in Alexandria over 21 30000 tablets from the library of choeba Assyria new PAL has been discovered, archaeologists with an amazing wealth of MIA, according. Litera, religion and administration during an interview in the Enuma Elish, also known as the epie of the creation, which depicts a view of Babylon to create the Gilgamesh Epic, a large selection of "evil" in the middle there is the text "including Enuma langbok notes dealing with the Eclipse of the Moon is visible as their team.In conjunction with the Sun, the planets and stellar Corona, Eclipse and cloud the air points, is thunder and lightning, and the planet, and to see the text and astronomiclastrological and appearanee while v is concentrating in the list that is used by scribes and scholars, such as a list of words, language, vocabulary lists and synonym and a list of medical diagnosis.
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