The women of Brunei to dress modestly, to wear a long skirt shirt long sleeve and a headdress, foreigners should not be to wear short skirt and shirt no arms. Should avoid yellow clothes, It is the color of the king.And women will not reach the man arrested. Pointing to a person or thing is considered impolite, but will use thumbs pointing instead, and will not use left to send it to others. Women sat time will not foot pointing toward men.
.The language used in communication. The official language of Brunei is Malay. Which is the language J Brunei people use. Due to the Brunei Malay descent were 66. However, Brunei people mainly speak English.The Chinese is a language with the use of sung together. Due to the Brunei people of Chinese descent in the 11 learning Malay will help to create the impression that the dialogue partners, the Brunei
.Eating with the Brunei. The dialogue partners that Muslims should be careful to order. The food is pork and alcoholic beverages. Because the wrong practices of Islam, and may ask pairs.The Brunei has no culture tipping in restaurants. In the case of a large restaurant will charge per cent increase 10.
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