The installation of a satellite in the installation. Is the direction and location of the installation. Not to be a barrier in front of the plate, which will result in the attenuation of signal strength for us to hold the dish must be strong and durable. To the weight of the dish. The installation of a satellite dish. Users will have to install equipment such as a compass to measure the angle and position of the satellite database to be installed. The Issuer has developed a program to help install a satellite dish on the operating system Android. To ease the process and apparatus for fast installation. By using the property of Sir cents in existing devices, smart phones be used to locate the direction of the satellite. By St. browser is required to develop, there are 3 types of (1) GPS (2) St. Sir measured the tilt (3) St Sir Compass GPS to locate the latitude and longitude to calculate compare. for the satellite to get the direction and angle of tilt dish. The installation of a satellite dish, we will use the properties of St. Sir measured the tilt and St. Sir compass. To help you find the direction and tilt angle is calculated by the program. This program allows to install a satellite dish. The method for calculating the satellite position. The results were compared with the referenced table. In order to install a satellite dish. The results must be accurate.
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