Tuna sandwich ingredients Tuna Sandwich.1 tuna 1 cans.2. Salt 1 / 4 tsp.3. Pepper 1 / 4 tsp.4. Dressing basic formula 4 tablespoon.5. 1 tablespoons minced shallot6 olive 1 tablespoons chopped.7. Sweet pepper 1 tablespoons chopped8. 1 tablespoons chopped carrots9. Shrimp eggs. If needed.10. Bread types. According to like.How to make tuna sandwich Tuna Sandwich.1. The tuna canned water out and put it in the blender with salt, pepper P and salad dressing.2. Spinning at full speed. Until all ingredients into homogeneous and fluffy and a moose.3. Put the moose tuna mixed in with the rest of the ingredients.4. Put into the container, and cut the bread into filaments on the sandwich.
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