Designed for teachers of Beijing University.Beijing Normal University (BNU) or a university teacher in Beijing's property was established in 1902, is one of the Open University courses, there is a high level of current top 15 Board of 12 Department of 12 by 52 Research Institute of science for students in undergraduate programs are approximately 16000 people, all students divided into undergraduate education high level people 8000 approximately 7000 people in continuing education for approximately 1000 students and the international students, approximately 2,000 Board of opening teaching in undergraduate programs including the arts, Sciences, such as the Faculty of science and languages.Each Faculty of Chinese language and literature of Chinese culture. Faculty of philosophy, Faculty of law, Faculty of history, Faculty of Economics, Faculty of education faculty of foreign language and literature (English language Japan Russia), Faculty of communication arts, Faculty of management, the Faculty of engineering and science, the environment, etc. On the part of the international students Start receiving international students since the 1960s, have years of experience in teaching foreign students more. Now the University is the Rector and research both in terms of pronunciation. The teaching of grammar and literature books. The University is located between 2nd and 3rd ring in the North of Beijing city. Hai district (Haidian district) TIA
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