Jhon honey. You work tired? Your work very busy?I understand because the Lreland Thailand time 6 different hours.We will be talking, so I did not match.I will turn on the computer, from 08.00 AM - 23.00 pm. I woke up at 06.30 AM.I will start to work at 10.00 AM - 22.00 pm.You've come to Thailand, you'll understand. I hope that we will be talking, because I have a sincere, you. I want to hang out with you. I want to meet you in Ajarn we will experience our real identity.
I hope that you will not mind me. You will be sincere, I am. Tomorrow if we lovers. I'll make you happy.I will take care you have to be happy. I don't have much money money.You will not mind me. It will not be the love of me.But, I love you with honesty.
I'm sure you have in your body. You are a man with a good heart. You Dr. have you ever merit at the temple. We like to make merit. future, you came to Thailand we would have gone to the temple and make merit.We will be happy with each other. You would be able to dream of me to be a truth.
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