People hunt kill and, pollute the habitats of great number species. So what can, we do to help them survive? To, start with. It is important to make the destruction of animals' habitats illegal. Next people who, hunt animals illegally must face. Heavy fines and long-term prison sentences. If these measures were in place they would, discourage people from committing. Such acts. Thus this would, protect both animals and the environments they live in. Another solution would be to encourage. People not to buy animal products. As a result manufactures would, produce fewer products made with the fur skin or, teeth. Of endangered species and other animals. Finally it would, be a good idea to create more national parks and protected habitats. For endangered animals. This would allow them to live and breed in a safe environment. Therefore their numbers, would increase. And species would not disappear. To sum up there are, many ways to make the world a safer place for animals. Putting some. Of these ideas into action would definitely make life better for all in the animal kingdom.
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