The first image we see is the feather floating in the sky. According to the flyer having floating aimlessly breeze over the old NHA, and falling down a pril saga to the feet of a man barely foretkam hd that sitting on the bench waiting for a bus. The feather is a master of the subject kharaektoe. Man sitting on bench, Those who pure and was thrown back by the wind, master of the plaengomerika across uproar of age 50, 60, 70, but past experience? He never looked at it in terms of bad opened fore kam mentioned the words Forrest Gump hd movies called "my mother is like a box, said ....Life of chocolates ... You never know what you're gonna get. "Our mother is teaching what he remembered most as children, maen foret kam in Alabama. Those who want to wear buoyancy stand at all times. He called it a "magic shoes" the management of the schools that are willing to accept less foret. Students come to study kam "He is different from the typical boy" Director speaks, but River of foret never think so. She has an uncompromising determination to make her daughter. "No difference."The story begins where the protagonist comes to sit and wait for the bus at the label, and then try to convince people that sit right nearby the mouth of the conversation, and then start the chueay story takes a life himself since childhood. Born and raised at the State of BA ass came agen. The name of the forest. The kam agree with the name of Mr. phonna dine khlak Becca koklu members forest. As a child with a disability wants to reinforce the steel legs. Almost did not enter the school because of low IQ thukrangkae from friends and participate in class until they have come to know and completely with Jenny girl who favor him. Kam has been found to chase in a range that has not been popular in his hometown that is to hire people. Kam moved dance music to Elvis, and then become a master copy of the Elvis Presley rocking and choreography, and then one day he ran, tried to run away from the miracle of friends biking chase him. When I grow up. He is the fastest runner in American football is a. Touch hands with President John f. Kennedy, discover the secrets of how to become involved with the Marriott Hotel. Monroe from her photos that are located in your bathroom. Akita University has enrolled kam BA La Mar and one day have a black students attend amid security Regiment. Kam has kept the book she falls in with a course of action, then buy one without knowing the situation. "? When the study ends. He has been a military basis and companion who has dark skin name bap crazy dream to make a living with Kung, and then he was sent to Viet Nam. There is a popular military bosses and their ancestors have died in the war of the independence announcement. Civil war world war 1 and 2 are the same right down to the military experience of the American people in Viet Nam. Bap madness to die from the attacks of the enemy. Kam has helped many friends and earn coins and shake hands with the courage to meet President Johnson. Kam has been exposed to the atmosphere of a reunion with Jenny during buppha bump back home speeches about the war in Viet Nam in front of a crowd that no one knows how to oppose or support the war. Kam is a good practice to beat tennis until 2010, and then show the open, until the people in the hospital were not interested in live events where humans first stepped on the Moon from space is a competitive table tennis national team to bond with China during the opening of the new kam is associated with our.Marga na thipdi wotoe law and become involved with niksan gate taphro yourself to stay in the same hotel, but their individual wings. Tv, together with John Lennon, and then quit the military as a captain of a boat with a leg disability category I find shrimp, he has to rescue the war together make a living until a rich, buy Apple company came to understand that it is because of the joint venture company, selling fruit from the box.Loi, who oversees border Affairs Division instead, he is a partner, get cash back benefits and peace of mind to make life at home after the mother died. Jenny back kam again. Lives together briefly before going out with loneliness, it's run and kam across America are three years there were many parades until the thought up that tired and bored, so quit running, I relaxed on the day President Ronald Reagan received a letter firing kam thuklop.From Jenny from appearances. He came to wait for the bus, and then go up to her and the child, and that she had told him that it is his ball. Jenny begged, kam married He agreed the couple sharing a short address before she died because of a new type of infectious diseases that have no child care, with little medication kam love and subsequent endu.
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