Weeds can curse of the Organic Gardener, true for everyone, weed leaf of light of การดำรงอยู่ของ them, in some cases, the author of this detests. Weeding her garden. But to the health growth of the plant.Even if you have no organic garden weed control is a problem really answer this problem not only takes time and effort to control overgrowth. Your garden covers and paste comes into play
.First of all, two weeks, just under the surface of the sharp edge shovel soil cutting small weeds before they grow enough to compete with your seedling
.When the seedling is large, the soil is warm and rain play ended down a layer of mulch in order to moisture, and weed Mulch is a material that can be placed around plants to control weeds
.Select ingredients help breathing, and water in the soil, and the light out. Can include dry - try - Clip front lawn grass, straw chopper cutter chopped leaves mixed with front clip art hay, or sawdust. Rotted (avoid sawdust is fresh, it leaches.And the thread is a good choice. All use several inches thick mulch
.Received a warning that if you use the front clip art grass or weeds. You run the risk of disease or insect in the garden if these are not composted both this type cover can become production and insects. Therefore, the best compost them before using a mulch
.A thick layer of mulch allows light to reach the weeds without enough light, plants do not produce enough to chlorophyll further growth. Most of these plants. Sicken and die before you notice them. A few plants that are their leaves in the light to root.And easy to retrieve
.Mulches organic - straw, grass, leaves, bark clip face cut - they rot in soil are obstacles weeds quite effective!You can also use a layer of fertilizer, weed control received a warning that waste kitchen needs your fertilizer. You can have some plants "volunteers". Cutting value.Composted you include tomato seeds was abandoned in her division of fertilizer and seeds germination เองทำ these shell พืชประหลาด nice little surprise. . you
.If the condition is wet, you may want to avoid mulching and planting due to mulch can use soil waterlogged and pathogenic fungus On the climate to dry, spellsMulch can reduce the stress of plants. By helping to maintain the moisture of the soil, if you irrigate feel under the mulch to make sure the water coming through!Mulch is good, but there are two ways to use it. One is to mulch plants love too early in the season. Warms value Mulch smothers before soil weed. But it is also a good insulation Cantaloupes tomato, potato, watermelon, pepper harvest and plant ไข่จะ produce good mulched
.Another mistake to put mulch too little good in a few weeks, but then the weeds up through and will need to be hand drawn for a mulch enough ground cover to make. Hoeing impossible Mulch not enough to plant your very little protection and
.How much is enough. Good. You might think: sawdust 2 to 3 inches / cut leaves 8 to 10 inches / straw 5 with 7 inches / newspapers 4 with 7 inches. / and grass front clip art 5 finger when you spread the first time they
.Other methods of weed control by different soil cover. This is often called "the land" solarization Solarization ดินเกี่ยวข้อง with putting a thick plastic multiple fill on weeds. And allow natural sunlight "baked" leaves weeds until I die, this can take some time.
.Many people want to use the newspapers for ground cover of them. The paper will decompose naturally friendly as well
.Just a place I 4-5 of newspapers between plants and your front cover with layers of soft soil เพื่อจะ don't blow away by covers of weeds. You can control them
.Also, consider the kraft paper grocery bag - such as - or cardboard, kraft paper and cardboard. Using Light, even less accessible to the weeds. And covers more impenetrable
.You can suppress the growth of weed seed early in the season by spreading the corn gluten food over the area where they are growing. Corn gluten food by-product of the processing of corn that is often used in raising livestock.When the weeds have gone more than stage tumors. Corn gluten will not affect them
.Carefully, however, corn gluten don't stretch between the seeds to grow and that you don't want to avoid using the corn. Gluten food when you sow seeds the work with plants up
.Unfortunately, you will need to use some way why first control in your garden, cannot avoid it
.Hoeing is mostly of the garden's success. Annual weed die when you cut stems from roots under soil surface with a shovel. You cut the weeds easy, you may have to eschew hoe table headed traditional for this job. And trying to be part of the vibrating
.To hoe your garden by prevention of cultivation. Keep the hoe is a broom - that is, with thumbs your point value. Read roughly Various aspects of the blade edge of shovel through your finger on top of the earth
.You will need to get some tools pull of those weeds. It is not after the split, though, just use the time) last
This is tips to the facility. Quick pulling weeds:
.Put your hands in front of you thumbs value and palms facing the body, the best in front of the other. Now roll hands. Children do not when singing "this rolling home".
.The principle of the index finger. Thumbnail and is the outermost circle imagery are hand track. And move your arms in a rotate your hands exercises you will be surprised at you ล้างแถว garden with this movement
.Finally, weed control, organic can. By adding vinegar in the general household in a spray bottle and use the weeds such as เหมือนกับอินทรีย์ trade round up, so be careful when used around the plants flourished
.In addition to those weeds incessant you must worry about pest control
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