In Malaysia, S & P Syndicate PCL (Thailand) was invested to expand the restaurant business is Bangkok Beat Bistro by establishing a subsidiary, Bangkok Jam (Malaysia) Sdn restaurant is included. well managed by Singapore's Creative Eateries Group and S & P Thailand
, Malaysia is a country with a culture that combines because of race. The food of Malaysia, which has a variety of spices and flavors are attractive national interest in the taste of Malaysia. Malaysian food features The use of herbs, spices, smells strongly Peper will have rice as a main dish in every meal. Food is mostly Muslim No pork Meat that has been popular is chicken, beef, goat and seafood Bangkok Beat Bistro is a restaurant that focuses on food. Thailand has an extensive menu The popular and famous in Thailand. Service with modern critical need of food, no food containing pork. There are several food outlets such as Thai Soups, Salads, Curries, all about chicken, seafood, vegetables, thai favourite noodles, rice specialties, diverse diet. Is interested in dessert. Beverages and drinks of smoothies, fresh juices, soft drinks, hot beverages in restaurants Bangkok Beat Bistro features a blend of flavors and ingredients in the popular resistance. So customers can eat and have a novelty to a scrumptious as STIR-FRIED MORNING GLORY WITH SAMBAL in Thailand if the food is spicy with chili and garlic. But in Malaysia will have to put a meal of chili sambal. Similar peppers in Thailand But in Malaysia, has been popular since the ingredients are onion, garlic and chili paste are indispensable in restaurants in Thailand abroad is indispensable is authentic soups RED TOM YUM SOUP WITH PRAWNS / SEAFOOD. Also known as Tom Yum Goong / Talay Restaurant name of Thailand. The other is a foreigner like AUTHENTIC BEEF SOUP called Neua Toon Malaysia because people do not eat pig meat menu, so there is food in the store can offer foreign executives. In addition, other travelers, local people have food Fusion Food raw materials and food style between the two nations to a group of customers may be mostly tourists. The price of food and stylish decor. Sophisticated May make the local people more than the price that is affordable. Because food is a factor in life. Compared to a lot of money for the people of Malaysia. They may choose to eat only natural foods store. Do not enter the restaurant, it is not.
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