Electronic waste is bad related matters of some kind of toxin, especially if the deal is not good, these toxins are often heavy metal type, with high level Lead, mercury and cadmium. Also arsenic, sulfur.Even the monitor for computer in general have lead to 6% by weight. Most are in the glass of the monitor CRT said by concluded that have elements in electronic waste more 38 types.Electronic equipment and is one more reason to recycling or may bring new กลับมาใช้ (if appropriate) for electronic waste management:
.Electronic waste management system that achieved complete when, a few years after adding rules and regulations. And conditions of use, commercial, private and public, and attention widely.(that is, recycling) when the device is the same as model materials. With this conversion can reuse and adjusted. The advantages in terms of society and the environment from การนำมา new, there are many places together, that is.And the need for new materials equivalent completely. (the external conditions related to the environment. There will be no difference in the cost of raw materials) and pure water volume.Sales package unit. Having the technology to allow social interest to product liability. And reduce the application to land reclamation less
.The challenge still exists when the material that cannot be used again, recycling old. Or removal by the traditional land reclamation and complications ensue.Whether in developing countries or developed countries. The complexity of the various items to the destruction, cost recycling system affecting the environment. And the demand for work related to assemble the equipment.Resource scarcity is very much, but nowadays, there is a change. A lot of plastic used in electronic equipment, flammable substances slow. By many to be a halogen, fill with plastic resin.
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