DAY7Daiari today is today, today is another day November 12 2015 I and friends have come to capture memories in a book version of the 79 today as everyone is dressed up with all the beautiful balloons, flowers, dolls that are accompanying photo book rooms 6/7 versions of today, we must organize a consequence her stance at all. Everyone is very happy today and see the pictures we have taken today will become our good memories in the book version, 79, to abstain from ton.DAY8Daiari today is November 25 2015 today is Loy Kratong. Today, the family traveled to Loy krathong phayao. Today, there are a lot of people, kwan phayao traveling Loy to the Hinduism, khamar; some are widely used to this day and I, along with my parents, it was the same as Loy krathong asked others and khamar on this night there were fireworks on the peach point nga ngammak beautiful!DAY9Daiari today is a sport for 2015 December 2 open the secondary groups. This school year, game and calabash wieng phayao is hosted on phityakhom competition, everything. Make the cam view smutrakalin and phayao school has a wide variety of schools, many people throughout the province phayao have come together on this day. There is a demonstration of each of the schools spectacular and my friends wanted to attend, but did not come to watch the parade.DAY10Daiari today is December 4 2015 today at school events phityakhom, phayao, father's day. Me and my father have been selected as outstanding and his father. The representative of the M. 6/7 I feel glad and very exciting in this pair of father and daughter filled from within the ancient atmosphere of the Hall School, Nan phityakhom full with love and warmth of the father.
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