Because the customer has returned the items. By submitting your chauffeur has not come to inform the warehouse office acknowledges that it has brought the goods returned from customers and the most important thing is my forklift driver does not notify the warehouse office acknowledges that the customer's (Warehouse forklift driver to admonish the Dept by himself) from such problems make a warehouse office do not know whether the items are returned, and another important issue is. Now we don't know where is the goods because the forklift driver query and then States that have placed them in one location, but it appears that it isn't going to look already. Don't know which Department has used to prevent this problem. Before items, employees driving to I K.Boonsom, K.Singharaj prior to loading items from the car and on my way, I would reiterate forklift driver do not bring items that night until the command received.
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