Lord cat color company statement of ket Beck ' s East. India trading company to fly control cover cam ingdat man. Impressive ghost pirate ship captain and ship's demon saphrueng Dewi Jones. Under the command of a force of James River North, DC
Ville Eastern Manor, Alice's boss, and BA's bet Captain sawon. departure to the most dangerous task to collect all 9 Lord haengklum the jury, which is their only hope to beat Beck ' s ket. Boats fly-man ingdat But one of the members of the Lords of 9 has disappeared, that is Captain Jack Sparrow is caught under arrest in having reservations at the Dewi Jones
The first thing all of these brave people, as well as the lovely Dallas-Mar, Hotel pins and lean must do is travel to Singapore and the danger and confronted the captain of a Chinese peninsula. Captain Sao feng to have boats that can take them to the top edge of the world. To help Jack
Captain Jack is helping out. Although the book often will make him lose consciousness more than ever. But he agreed to help He cruises, call ล็คเพิร์ from the land of the dead. Although the Lord will gather both the jury and haengklum 9. Jones. If you are not able to release "Calypso" Goddess of the sea who warp. In order to persuade it to cooperate. Get rid of the danger of pirates in this time, but when the treachery is revealed face apparently Captain Jack, Ville, Alice's bet, Sao Feng BA's boss and has a different purpose and may not be able to trust anybody anymore. Person must select a faction to join to fight big times last May to destroy freedom and fragrant huan pirates forever.
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