Food is what we eat, then the body makes a strong body, complete growth allows various organs within the body work as usual. And disease resistance. The staple food is divided into 5 groups including
.The main food 1 include meat, eggs, milk, dried beans, various food recently when the main body is to digest food type protein. Make body strong growth, disease resistance
.The main food 2 include rice, flour, sugar, white's main food recently when the body digest to carbohydrate foods to useful energy
.Staple food among the 3 include fresh vegetables of various staple food recently when the body digest will provide nutrients type minerals and vitamins that the body strong. Resistance disease
.Staple food among the 4 including fresh fruits of various staple food recently when the body digest to สารอาหารประเภท minerals and vitamins that the body healthy. Resistance disease
.Staple food among the 5 including fat from plants and animals, staple food recently when the body digest will ให้สาร fatty food to useful energy
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