- Yala Yonghuad Yong Huat, Yala, customer notifications on January 2558 that nail we are good hammer and bend, now customers do not buy from us. Which has informed you ชัชช significance to know, by now we buy Steel Company from the dominant Thai Steel Co., Ltd.Bangkok, because the price of steel in more expensive per kg 2), we check with the company dominant Thai Steel Co., Ltd., the dominant). Say not wrong specification. Another problem.Maybe the problem is from here? We test the hit the nail factory, nail is not bent, and we have informed the dominant). Steel plate that if no persistence, we Reject immediately
.- the company, defeating machine diamond limited his clients said that if a nail KY bad, no nails blunt than darn race other bad angle and shorter than other brands. By the customer has taken other brands were compared, it was found that 4 brand of another angle 110 degrees.90 degrees, which is our standard, but now you suchart adjust is 110 degrees. Because if the angle more will cost more. The sales we inform customers that for nail bend if found where hammer and the bending capacity
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