carotenoid content of commonly consumed vegetable was not significantl การแปล - carotenoid content of commonly consumed vegetable was not significantl แอฟริกา วิธีการพูด

carotenoid content of commonly cons

carotenoid content of commonly consumed vegetable was not significantly influenced by high pressure or high pressure high temperature treatment at 70 C and 117 C.An increase of lutein or beta-carotene could be detect in some cases after H
P and HPHT at 70 c treatment, which would probably be due to an increase of the extractability of these compounds.Only a minor loss of beta-carotene and lutein was found in red papper and green papper, respectively, after the HPHT at 117 C .
carotenoid isomerisation was only found to be significant in the occurrence of the 13-cis-beta-carotene in red papper after more intense treatment
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ผลลัพธ์ (แอฟริกา) 1: [สำเนา]
karotenoïed inhoud van algemeen verteer is nie beduidend beïnvloed deur Groente Hoë druk of Hoëdruk hoë temperatuur Behandeling teen 70 C en 117 betakaroteen of luteïen C.An van toename kan opspoor in sommige gevalle na H
en P HPHT Behandeling teen 70 C ,. wat waarskynlik sal wees as gevolg van 'n toename van die ekstraheerbaarheid van hierdie betakaroteen Compounds.Only n minderjarige verlies van luteïen en is gevind in rooi en groen Papper Papper, onderskeidelik, by 117 C na die HPHT.
isomerisasie karotenoïed is net te vinde. n betekenisvolle rol in die voorkoms van die 13-cis-betakaroteen in rooi Papper na meer intense behandeling.
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
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