The objective of this special issue is to study changes in energy use. And CO2 emissions due to energy consumption in rural households in China. Using an analytical breakdown of distribution LMDI (Log Mean Divisia Index) results from the study showed that the use of commercial energy in China's rural households increased from 64 Mtce in the year 2534 (c. . Prof. 1991) 96 Mtce in the year 2553 (2010), an increase of about 50 percent result from changes in the use of energy by means of LMDI factors that performance is a factor. The main result of the total energy used in rural households in China, an increase of approximately 146 percent as a result of the factors driving results in lower total energy usage per cent. 46
Similarly, Considering the transformative effects that CO2 emissions performance factors. Energy and co-factors This resulted in the emission of CO2 increased by 164 Mt-CO2 and 41 Mt-CO2, or about 123 percent and 31 percent, respectively, an increase of release of CO2 from the commercial power-sharing, since the proportion of Use. increased electricity And coal use fell. This is an indication that the use of fuel in power generation in China is still low-quality fuel
addition. This study compared the results with the LMDI in Additive and Multiplicative find a way LMDI Additive can be analyzed. And interpret the results of the calculations are easier to LMDI a Multiplicative. The form of the equation is more complex than that. It is appropriate to be applied to a case study with a lot of data and complexity of data is high.
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