.When I sit at the counter and ordered the sushi to eat one. This type of sushi, therefore, is more expensive. But it has been popular with the customers. The sushi shop in Thai, it is similar to Japan.The rare! Mainly in Thai, is a Japanese restaurant with a menu, not the sushi shops that sell but sushi. Another difference is what I see The face of sushi in Japan to use fresh seafood, vegetables, eggs, mushrooms.Most fish such as fish fish fish Aji unagi Ayu for Thai in face of sushi is adapted and taste more like, along ับคนไทย California Roll chicken, pork, fish, it can be seen that Thailand is not commonly used fresh seafood like Japan.But people use rice mixed with sticky rice. It is similar to the Japanese rice but cheaper. But I can see that, unlike most, it is a matter of eating sushi. In English if we want to eat what we would choose to eat.Start by sushi from white finish with sushi taste intensity will taste sushi. If you eat it before dark will not be able to know the taste of the fish with white flesh. In Japan to eat sushi with wasabi and shoyu. แก้เลี่ยน with pickled ginger.
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