LADEE spacecraft (NASA Lunar Atmosphere and Dust Environment Explorer) is a spacecraft that was sent into space on September 7, 2013 by LADEE spacecraft has a primary mission is to explore and study the environment, the atmosphere of the moon. Includes a sample store dust in the atmosphere of the moon back to analyze. Up to now, the project's scientists have come out to disclose the progress of the survey mission LADEE spacecraft's moon
Figure 1 is a graphical representation of the LADEE spacecraft are orbiting above the surface of the moon
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from: #. The Mission of the LADEE spacecraft is based on the goal of the mission scientists ' projects. Now vehicles are adjusting orbit and altitude are reducing gradually. 20-60 km, and then uses the scientific instruments on the spacecraft collected scientific data in April 15, 2014. the craft into the Earth's dark shadow. The Lunar Eclipse occurred, which corresponds to the full moon. That period was to eat approximately 4 hours, meaning that the spacecraft's solar panels will not be able to get energy from the Sun is approximately 4 hours long. However, scientists confirmed that LADEE will be able to survive and that the vehicles and walked in front of the next mission to the fullest
LADEE spacecraft on a mission this time was taken up with scientific equipment, including a spectral analysis of light in the atmosphere of the Moon during the ultra violet wavelength range, and that the human eye sees. (Ultraviolet and Visible Spectrometer) , Measuring changes in the atmosphere over time that have changed (Neutral Mass Spectrometer), Capturing tools and analysis of dust in the atmosphere the Moon (Lunar Dust Experiment) and high speed data connection to the Earth by using a laser (Laser Lunar Communications Demonstration) Is 1. Lasercomm Terminal Lunar Ground in Mexico 2.
Optical Telescope Comm Lab United States country
3. Optical Ground Station in Spain. Can pass data of up to 600 Mb/sec
? This is the result of a survey of the LADEE spacecraft, scientists know that dust on the moon have an effect or benefit the Mission of man in the future? They consist of anything, including the characteristics indicate that chemical. How much dose a In the future we will be able to adopt useful? However, these are the beginning
Compose the floating head
very costly service doubles strategy wise man wichakan
National Astronomical Research Institute (public organization)
of news.
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