The trend and the decentralization of the local government of Thailand from the history of local government since 2475 - shows that the trend of decentralization to local possible. Start by empowering the local communities first. Established as a municipality later expanded into areas of the province such as PAO. Even in the first stage, executives and legislators in some form to the appointment. But gradually eliminated As for the effect it has on local patterns to be forwarded. Bangkok, Pattaya and eventually expanded into the area of the local community, the parish was DOA. When the Constitution of 2540 declared effective. The subject of a separate Local government as one group in particular. Puts the power of self-government of the people is more like having access to a dismissal of the executive council member names to offer the local ordinances. Additional functions in the maintenance of local artistic tradition. And culture Give local residents a chance to participate and exercise more self-rule in the community. บนพื้นฐานของการยอมรับ มีส่วนร่วม มีอิสระ เพื่อการพัฒนาที่ยั่งยืนของชุมชน สังคม และประเทศชาติโดยส่วนรวมปัจจัยที่เกื้อหนุนบทบาทของการปกครองส่วนท้องถิ่น1.พัฒนาการทางประวัติศาสตร์ขององค์กรปกครองท้องถิ่นในประเทศนั้น กรณีแรก มีการรวมกลุ่มเป็น Sub Community Autonomous freely Ro residents to protect their rights if the two local government of the state. By legislation Local rely on state support is very second. Democratic political system Local government has a variety of roles over the country as a dictator 3. Some countries have supported the government's policy of decentralization to local law. On the other hand, some countries do not have laws, local support as it could be 4. Political Culture The social-political culture of citizens with political knowledge, but ignore the part. And participatory public is interested to participate in the political patterns varied widely, as happened in the West, etc. 5. economic prosperity. In areas where there is economic growth will inevitably be part of the local government has strengthened 6. Education and information It is important that in parallel to the economic prosperity of the region and is the basis of the political, democratic form of local government 1. The town meeting. It is a form of local government, the oldest of the United States. A system of direct democracy or democratic public participation 2. Council - Mayor. General principles governing Congress, which took place in England for the first time. The 2 parties share power management council and mayor 3. A weak. General principles governing presidential system of thought and influenced greatly by looking Montesquieu, French is the sole principle of separation of powers by the executive, elected officials and citizens have a greater say in the management 4. mayor. strong It is a form of local government in the United States began as a movement since 1880, after the city has been growing very large. Appointed chief executive, called the Chief Administrative Officer (CAO) was administered to all the policies of the mayor. And the position of the appointment by Mayor 5. Committee. Took first place in the US By the people who elect to choose the number of 3-7 people to manage the city. You do not think any party affiliation 6. City Manager. Local use a very prosperous. By hiring a professional to manage instead of elected politicians. And politicians will act as the legislative body, only the format and structure of local government structure of local government is also important because it affects the hole using the power of the various local structures are affected. At its height, the practices of the various benefits are allocated and is framed with a major role in determining the extent and severity of the political conflicts of the community structure of local government can determine that. Who benefits from the political system. Local executives to be elected. Executives are required to meet the needs of a group or organization, without delay, in contrast, the executive is not elected may not respond quickly. Therefore, considering the internal structure of local government, such as: 1) the concept that a classification system of local government that concept with the class (Tier System) is a concept that divides missions between organizations. That is the mission of public services is an important factor to determine the structure of the system of local government that is. Class assignments within the system of local government , the concepts of classification. Is a major international presence in the system of local government in other countries to the limits. The role and authority of local governments not to overlap. This classification is based on the two pillars ways. Characteristics of the area in general. Area under the responsibility of local governments generally appears in two varieties in the blend with the local community. Means areas that are the responsibility of the local governments that reflect the fundamentals of the local community. An area corresponding to the size and growth of the community. On the other hand, including the The area was designated as a community to assume the responsibility of local governments in the area comes from a line to assume the administrative boundary. Which typically covers an area rather than.
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