Psyche Pretty girl with wisdom, along with a sister sister. People throughout the earth worship her beauty. Make them forget that respect for Venus. Venus goddess of beauty is very angry that she was lost to Cathedral. Therefore, she is thought to be planning a destruction psyche. She ordered her son to close the queue. Release the arrow to shoot, put the psyche Make love with Nargis khit kalum bad evil creatures, but when the queue is closed to see the beauty of psyche. He'll love the arrow shot put his own. At that time, the family of the psyche is concerned that she could not find her husband to get even with people admiring her beauty. But they also choose to marry another woman Her father named mental prayer to help Apollo Apollo, psyche took to the top of the Hill. By telling people that she would marry the man but with a different life. Psyche with a courageous spirit, so follow the instructions and accidentally fell asleep on the hillside. When she woke up, she found a beautiful mansion inside the mansion. She has the ability to relax and enjoy fine cuisine and has been well-maintained and at night in the dark, she met and fall in love with her husband. She lived happily with him even though he had never seen until one day he told her that her sister was going to come crying to her. He doesn't have to make them see they would meet, but the psyche of her sister. Her husband and her past, she has come across weak sister and two young, to know that she never saw the face of her husband. They have concluded that psyche, never to see her husband and sister both convince psyche that she should sneak. Although confused, but it opens the lamp psyche one night while her husband beside her. When she saw the beauty of the pikhon queue onlap bed her. She's crying because she's not honest Cupid wake up and say love can not exist if lack of honesty. Cupid back to find his mother Venus decided to take out revenge psyche. While the psyche travelling across the land to find the queue tropic. She decided to go by myself to the Venus represents love and forgiveness is required. In the end, when Venus came out to see psyche, laughing. Venus brings a pile of seed comes out and says that she will need to psyche arranges all kinds of seeds in one night. If she wants to find a queue tropic again. This work is too hard for one person, it's a pity, but the ants occurred primarily seeds, much to her shock at the Venus orders Psyche to lie on the ground and ate only scraps of dinner, but the bread is Sai khirot comes easily. Following command of Venus, psyche khakhue retrieves the Golden Fleece from the river. She was almost hurt himself in the River because of the grief of her. But Kok said to her that she can take the gold when it's wool sleeping River. Psyche follow instructions and can bring the gold back to the wool, Venus has a lot of. Venus surprised the psyche is still her psyche, were water bottles, from the mouth of ponphop River. When psyche early River she realizes that this task seems impossible, because the sharp rocks very dangerous. This time, the water in the bottle to help replenish the Eagle, she finally succeeded, but Venus still does not surrender. Her challenge to hell psyche and Persephone Bring the beauty of Persephone in the Recycle khiprasop amazing success. Sai khiklap on Earth with a box with suspicion, so open the psyche once open the very psyche of death somnolence, slept. At the same time, the queue is closed for psyche and find out that she is sleeping. Cupids, the spell back at the magic box, and psyche revived. The queue is closed so take her to Zeus for immortality to Zeus, she is regarded as the God of life immortal. Psyche and Cupids wedding. Venus support marriage because her son was married to the goddess and the psyche of the human will not distract from Venus.
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