Morality, tradition and belief is something that we all come with modern humans. From ancient times until now, every nation. All languages have these things together with a range of facilities that should be upheld in order to batlae life. If you do not have all of these societies since ancient times until now, may not be up to today's society.The people we are stepping across the past. To go through a lot of things to come. In the past there is nothing coming to determine whether something is correct or incorrect. There is only faith, but faith alone, which was created in the sky, comment letter tablet in various aspects. Several aspects in which this article will refer to aspects of the faith and accuracy. On the side of the belief we have been cultivated since ancient times, the children that just as based on. The who does not believe or do not follow the beliefs of the ancient long then. It is seen as someone who is not as good as the bad guys, which on the other hand, we cannot know that implementing it would be good to always be correct. whether or not to actually fight with faith and accuracy. Accuracy most people were inculcate that is not easy at all, because he is not interested in whether the belief is wrong, or are interested in, just that if you don't obey does not believe it will be seen as the wrong person is a person no good that sometimes emotion often over accuracy.P. Lyon use emotion and feeling is what decisions only. Currently, human emotions and feelings, we often use to judge things based on their own thoughts as a principle. Don't listen to the reasons of others. No matter what other people say that it is true or not, that is not fair to other people is not neutral at all.In deciding what to believe or obey it even if it is cultivated or has a long history. We must be on the principle of accuracy. There is a reason. To judge things by using the emotions and feelings.
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