ฉันชื่อเกศิณี ฉันเป็นพนักงานขาย. Normal duration,I sent item from my country Thailand to USA about 10-26 day. ฉันต้องขอโทษอีกครั้ง.และจะคอยติดตามอย่างใกล้ชิด.
My name is lovely, serene. I'm a sales rep duration, Normal item sent. I my country from Thailand to USA about 10-day 26. I must apologize again and will track closely.
My name is Greg Zion case I'm a salesman. Normal duration, I sent item from my country Thailand to USA about 10-26 day. I apologize again. and will be closely monitored.
My name is เกศิณี. I as a salesman. Normal duration I sent, item from my country Thailand to USA about 10-26, day. I apologize again and follow closely.